Gopal Trading Kolkata

Jindalume is a product being developed to enhance the corrosion resistance property of steel sheets for outdoor applications. The cold rolled steel with required mechanical properties as per customers need will be passed through degreasing section and heated up to 650 degrees in a continuous furnace before being dipped into molten bath have chemistry of 43% Zinc and 55% Aluminium.While Zinc will ensure adequate sacrificial property to retard corrosion through any contact with foreign element, Aluminum will resist atmospheric corrosion. The combination of Aluminum and Zinc (along with 1.5% Silicon) drastically improves the overall corrosion resistance of material, thus safeguarding steel for a very long time.

The product range of Jindalume will cover entire gamut of requirements. This will probably be one of the very few lines in the world which shall be processing Alu Zinc coated steel in width up to 1500mm.

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